What’s 60,000 times faster than reading this subject line?

The human brain can process images up to 60,000 times faster than words …

A point worth bearing in mind next time you’re updating a web page or printed material because a well-curated image library is worth its weight in gold.

No, your images don’t have to look like a Hello magazine photo-shoot – just well thought out images that lend a personal touch wherever you use them.

Stock image library material may look great in a technical sense but images of people, especially, look contrived and lack warmth.

People want to see you, your staff, your location and what you do – not a bunch of stick-thin actors with every carefully coiffed strand of hair superglued perfectly in place.

Anonymous agency material just doesn’t cut it.

In fact, used incorrectly it can be a real turn-off.

So why not have a go yourself?

And if you’re not that confident, the cost of a professional photographer is definitely money well spent.

Ok, you may have to hide the long-haired, pointy-headed wonk from IT – but even they’ve got a story to tell.

Half-eaten pizzas wearing a month-old fur coat is not a good look on the desk either, but you get my drift.

If you’ve spent lockdown sorting out your corporate image library, then good on you because you’re streets ahead of the competition.

Why do I mention all this?

Because lack of good imagery is one of the two major stumbling blocks when it comes to designing a new website or creating new promotional material.

Food for thought, perhaps, this week?

But for now, …

If you want a sounding board or just want to bend my ear, I’m on hand for a chat about anything to do with Print or Web Design.

Stay safe.
