Flying on the Edge …

The Red Arrows are our Royal Air Force’s elite aerobatic display team.

Flying in Hawk T1 aircraft, nine elite fast-jet pilots make up the team in the air.

Their call signs range from Red 1 through to Red 9.

Two of the most accomplished pilots in the group are Reds 6 and 7 who form the synchro pair.

All the pilots have nerves of steel, but these two ice-cold flying aces are chosen to perform the stunning high-speed opposing passes that wow audiences the world over.

Their combined crossing speeds during this manoeuvre exceed 700 miles an hour.

There isn’t time to think. Instinct takes over.

Their inverted crossbow manoeuvre is even more extraordinary because as their paths cross the lead aircraft is flying upside down.

Despite many months of practice ….

It doesn’t always go to plan.

On the 23rd of March, Reds 6 and 7 flown by Flight Lieutenant Mike Ling and Flt Lt David Montenegro collided in mid-air.

The pair were flying so close to each other that Red 6’s tail fin sliced through the cockpit canopy of his synchro partner; inches behind Mike Ling’s head.

His aircraft was doomed.

Only his ejection seat saved his life, but Ling was nevertheless badly injured in the process.

Mercifully, both pilots made a full recovery.

Cutting it fine doesn’t even come close.

As we raise ourselves from our holiday season torpor, don’t cut it this fine for your exhibition collateral this Autumn.

Until next time.
