How many colours can there be …?

We all know that oranges are, well, orange.

But novice designers often come unstuck when they want something a little out of the ordinary.

The colour of your logo, for example.

The English language has 11 basic colour words which can be split up into primary and secondary colours.

But then it starts to get a little more complicated when tertiary colours are added.

And it gets really interesting when we find out that the human eye can distinguish between almost 10 million colours.

Delve a little deeper and we learn that we perceive light in three ways: on surfaces, from light sources and in volumes.

Multiply those 10 million colours by 10 million shades of light and millions of surrounding colours and we’re into 18 decillion colour territory.

That’s 18 followed by 33 zeros.

A number that’s guaranteed to have you reaching for the smelling salts.

You can see now why we have a colour management system to make sure that the designs we see on screen match what we see on the paper.

And when it comes to colours and all things print, web and design, we’ve got you covered with our team of graphic designers who can help you avoid any potential pitfalls!

If you’d like to jump on a call for a quick chat about anything to do with print and graphic display, I’d love to hear from you. Just check my diary here to book your call.

Stay safe.
