Kitchen Wars: Redcurrant Jelly Edition

Two people working in a kitchen can be a recipe for disaster.

But there was little I could do to avoid invading Mrs S’ space last weekend because it was Redcurrant Jelly time.

Every May our three mature bushes are netted to protect them from the birds and in July the wonderfully bright little scarlet berries are gently picked.

With the hot sun beating down and just the gentle hum of insects in the background the thought of enjoying their preserved jelly in the depths of winter is pure bliss.

But this year I got a bit carried away.

By the time I’d got to filling the 27th one-pound jar things were a little fraught and I feared that divorce papers were about to be served.

However, kitchen wars it wasn’t and after a few whispered nothings peace soon returned – even if I’d escaped yet another close-shave by a whisker.

Week in and week out, we’re all working on stuff today which will yield results tomorrow.

And business life is no different.

Telling your customers what you do today to generate sales tomorrow is key to any sustained sales and marketing programme.

At this time of year, it might be gearing up for shows with banners and flags.

And, crucially, material for your prospects take away like brochures and leaflets.

What are you working on today?

If you want a sounding board, a second opinion or some help and guidance on anything to do with print and graphic displays please do drop me a line.

I’d love to hear.

Until next time.
