The Bee’s Knees …

Insomnia is said to affect one in three people in the UK.

So, there’s a possibility that you may have listened in on Radio 4’s Farming Today last week.

It’s an early morning programme with all sorts of interesting stories about where our food comes from and the people who work so hard to put it on our plates.

And last week they reported on how earlier Springs are waking our busy bees up earlier every year.

The worry is, scientists say, that bees are going to get out of sync with flowering plants which are vital for providing the pollen and nectar for our bee population to feed on.

It seems that this wake-up date is occurring four days earlier every decade.

This is important because if they get out of bed too early and flowers aren’t flowering then the bees go hungry.

As day follows night that means we won’t get our delicious honeycomb to slather on heavily buttered warm toast on a Sunday morning.

Therein lies a salutary tale.

Because if we as business owners aren’t at full alert when our customers wake up and are ready to buy, the order goes to someone else. And we go hungry.

Is that stretching the analogy too far?


But the truth is that we have to be at full battle readiness at all times.

Keeping in touch and top of mind might be as simple as sending out a monthly promo card, a regular newsletter or a personalised wall calendar to keep you top of mind.

And the rewards go to those who are prepared.

Something to think about.

Until next time.
