Ready for 2023?

Former US Secretary of State, James Baker defined the 5 Ps.

Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

A dictum I should have taken on board long ago and which is why my planning for 2023 is shaping up well.

Three things have been chewing my backside off for far too long which is why they took centre stage in my end-of-year planning.

They are:

  1. Helping Amanda chase late payers.
  2. Implementing a system to enable customers to pay with the minimum hassle.
  3. Letting customers have access to my diary to book calls.

Chasing overdue accounts is a mug’s game. It takes up a lot of time and you have to keep on top of it or things start to slip. Very quickly.

Which is why we installed Chaser HQ – a program that automates the task from start to finish.

Ok, it took about half a day to set up but three weeks in and it’s been a revelation.

Task number two was much easier. It turns out the solution had been right under my nose for years. Which involved utilising a payment link in Xero.

And last but not least: customers booking calls with me.

We’ve all been there, haven’t we?

Goodness knows how much time lost playing email ping-pong checking diary slots.

Now that too is consigned to the dustbin with the installation of Calendly which allows customers to access my diary and book a call. Simples.

One half of me says well done but the other bashes me over the head and says you should have done it bloody years ago.

So, now that it’s set up, if you’d like to jump on for a quick chat, you can check my diary here to book your call.

Stay safe.
