They call it the Yellow Peril …

Yellow Peril is what hay fever sufferers call it and the UK’s crop of Oilseed Rape is almost in full flower.

And it could be a bumper crop for farmers and … our honeybees.

A wet March has left soil moisture levels high which is good because damp soil and warm weather mean lots of nectar which our busy bees will gather with relish.

The crop will soon be shoulder high and the fields covered with a stunning carpet of vivid yellow flowers.

Apologies if I’ve gone full farming nerd here – but if you’ve caught a glimpse of Clarkson’s Farm, you’ll know that there’s a science to it …

But walking through the fields around us only a few short weeks ago the crop was barely much above ankle height.

And now it’s growing like duckweed on “speed”.

If farmers don’t look sharp the window to apply fertilizer and any other Spring treatments will be closed and they’ll have missed the boat.

And their crop yields and financial return will suffer – badly.

Not unlike our own Spring rush with orders coming in accompanied by frantic requests for a super-speedy turnaround.

It is ever thus, but it does limit your options and rushed campaigns rarely perform at their best.

So whichever print provider you use, take time to plan well ahead because it WILL save you shedloads of hassle, cost less, and … achieve better results.

Stay safe.
