Please don’t reach for the painkillers …

When they’re fishing for business, website wonks love sending out colourful reports about how good or bad your website is performing.

Page after page of impenetrable jargon that even Elon Musk wouldn’t understand.

Such a report is sure to have you reaching for the painkillers before you even get to the end of page one.

For a small sum, of course, they offer to magically make all the bad stuff go away and have your website generating more business than you can shake a stick at.

But how do you know if you can trust them?

Well, you can check these key stats for yourself.

And it’s amazingly easy.

Because Google has a wonderful little tool called Google Lighthouse that checks four key website performance metrics and gives you the results in less than 60 seconds.

Even for non-techies like me, it’s easy to see what’s good and what’s not.

And … it even shows you all the bad stuff that’s stopping you from climbing up the rankings.

And here’s how to install it on your browser.

Or … just drop me a line with your website address and I’ll check it for you.

And there’s no charge, either.

Until next time.


PS Is there a catch? NO.

PPS Then why am I doing this?

PPPS Because I love stuff that you can quickly deploy to improve business performance. But I hate how the pointy heads use tech to make life so bloomin’ complicated.